Barbican Box

It was a pleasure to be involved with the Barbican Box this year. I’ve been working with the creative learning team for the last 6 months and concluded things with the live show on Wednesday held in the in the iconic Barbican Main Hall. Having a dressing room was a nice touch too!


The Knewave Book

Ask anyone that knows me and they’ll tell you they never thought this day would come!

I embarked on a mission to design a book some 3 years ago…but you know how it is, work comes in and those passion projects get put to one side. Then a year (or 3) passes by and you realise the book is out of date so its almost back to the starting line.

Anyway…i’m chuffed I finally got round to doing this, its been something i’ve always wanted to do and really pleased with how its turned out. Big ups to Blub, highly recommend if you ever need a small run of books printing!

Check out the book and get in touch if you want a copy!


Knewave Print Collateral

In addition to the Knewave book i’ve spruced up a few other bits & bobs. Its been fun going back to the old days of print design, its been a while!


Daft Punk Interstella 5555

I recently rediscovered the awesome Daft Punk Interstella 5555 animations. I love this style so much as it reminds me of watching my favourite cartoons when I was growing up such Ulysses 31 and Battle of the Planets / G-Force.

The film is the visual realisation of Discovery, the second studio album by Daft Punk. Interstella 5555 tells the story of the abduction and rescue of an interstellar pop band.

The film was produced by Daft Punk, Cédric Hervet and Emmanuel de Buretel with Toei Animation under the supervision of Leiji Matsumoto. The film has no dialogue and uses minimal sound effects.

Directed by Kazuhisa Takenouchi.

Here are all the music videos in order of the album Discovery…enjoy!